Telenor 3g Daily Bundle
- Subscribe to 3g Daily bundle by dialing *345*131#
- This bundle will remain valid for one day only.
- On activation you will get 100 MB 3g internet.
- You will be charged RS 17.93 (including tax) for activation.
Telenor 3g Three Day Bundle
- Activation code for three day 3g bundle is *345*133#
- Validity duration is three days after activation.
- On subscription you will receive 300 MB internet plus 300 MB free for face book.
- Price of this three day bundle is RS 41.83 (including tax).
Telenor 3g Weekly Bundle
- You can subscribe to this bundle by dialing code *345*134#
- It will remain valid for seven days after subscription.
- You will get 1 GB internet and 500 MB free for face book.
- Charges of this weekly bundle are RS 75 (including tax)
Telenor 3g Monthly Bundle
- Subscribe to the 3g monthly offer by dialing *345*135#
- Validity period of 3g monthly bundle is 30 days
- You will be given 4 GB free internet on activation of this bundle
- Price of 3g monthly bundle is RS 478 ( including tax)
Terms & Conditions
- Mentioned prices of all bundles are fixed and include tax as well.
- 3G bundles are valid for both 3G and 2G internet.
- If you are not subscribed to any bundle you will be charged default rate that is 12 paisa for each 10 KB usage.
Telenor Talkshawk Economy Bundle
- For activation of this bundle type in SMS “Migrate” and send it to 345 @ RS 10.
- On-net call rates are RS. 2 + tax
- Off net call rates are RS. 2 + tax
- You can make calls to FNF numbers @ RS 0.90 + tax.
- SMS charges for all networks are RS. 1.50 + tax.
- Internet charges are RS.1.13 per 64 KB.
Telenor Talkshawk A1 Bundle (Pulse 60 sec)
- Subscribe to Talkshawk A1 bundle by sending SMS “migrate” to 345 @ RS 10.
- For on-net calls charges are RS 1.00 + tax
- For Off-net calls charges are RS 1.40+tax
- For all FNF numbers rates are RS0.70+tax
- 2G Internet rates for this bundle are RS 1.13 per 64 KB
Telenor Talkshawk Value Bundle
- Get subscription to Talkshawk value bundle by sending SMS “migrate” to 345.
- For making on-net calls you will be charged RS 1.80+tax
- For making off-net calls you will be charged RS 0.90+tax
- All networks SMS rates are RS 1.50+tax.
- 2G internet charges are RS 1.13 per 64 KB
Telenor Talkshawk 75 Bundle (Pulse 30 sec)
- To activate Talkshawk 75 bundle type “Migrate” & send it to 345 @ RS 10.
- On net call charges are RS. 0.75+tax.
- Off net call charges are RS. 0.75+tax.
- You will be charged RS. 1.50+tax for sending SMS to all networks
- Internet rates are RS. 1.13 per 64 KB
Terms & Conditions
- You can convert Telenor call bundle to any bundle of your choice at any time
- For migration to any other bundle you will be charged RS 10.
- Telenor has authority to withdraw any call bundle at any time.
- Upon subscription you will receive 75 on-net minutes.
Talkshawk Daily 2G Bundle
- Telenor gives its customers daily 2G internet bundle @ RS 14.34 including tax.
- This bundle has validity of one day.
- Get this daily offer by dialing *345*932#
- Data volume of this bundle is 50 MB
Talkshawk Daily Time Offer 2G
- Talkshawk daily time offer provides you internet @ RS 5.98.
- This offer will remain valid for only one day.
- You can get subscription to this offer by using code *919#.
- By activating this offer you can use internet for only 60 minutes.
Talkshawk 2G Weekly Bundle
- 2G weekly bundle will give you internet at the rate of RS 41.83.
- This bundle has validity period of seven days.
- Internet volume of this bundle is 250 MB.
- Activation string for this bundle is *345*934#.
Talkshawk 2G Three Day Bundle
- Price of talkshawk three day bundle is RS 23.90
- It will provide data volume of 250 MB
- It will remain valid for three days
- Activation string for this three day bundle is *345*933#
Talkshawk Economy Bundle
- Talkshawk economy bundle price is reasonable for every one RS 4.78.
- Subscriber will receive 5 MB internet on activation
- Validity time after subscription is just one day.
- Activation method for this bundle is *345*931#
Talkshawk Facebook offer
- Talkshawk customers can enjoy unlimited Facebook just for RS 1.20 for whole day.
- This is default bundle, no activation method.
- Validity time period is one day.
- You will get 50 MB internet to use Facebook.
- To check your remaining internet bundle you can dial *999#.
- In case of double activation of any internet bundle you will receive separate details for each bundle.
- All the bundle prices include tax.
Telenor 3g Daily Bundle
- Subscribe to 3g Daily bundle by dialing *345*131#
- This bundle will remain valid for one day only.
- On activation you will get 100 MB 3g internet.
- You will be charged RS 17.93 (including tax) for activation.
Telenor 3g Three Day Bundle
- Activation code for three day 3g bundle is *345*133#
- Validity duration is three days after activation.
- On subscription you will receive 300 MB internet plus 300 MB free for face book.
- Price of this three day bundle is RS 41.83 (including tax).
Telenor 3g Weekly Bundle
- You can subscribe to this bundle by dialing code *345*134#
- It will remain valid for seven days after subscription.
- You will get 1 GB internet and 500 MB free for face book.
- Charges of this weekly bundle are RS 75 (including tax)
Telenor 3g Monthly Bundle
- Subscribe to the 3g monthly offer by dialing *345*135#
- Validity period of 3g monthly bundle is 30 days
- You will be given 4 GB free internet on activation of this bundle
- Price of 3g monthly bundle is RS 478 ( including tax)
Terms & Conditions
- Mentioned prices of all bundles are fixed and include tax as well.
- 3G bundles are valid for both 3G and 2G internet.
- If you are not subscribed to any bundle you will be charged default rate that is 12 paisa for each 10 KB usage.