Ufone Daily Light Bundle
- Activate this package by dialing *804#
- 40 MB data volume is provided
- Price is only RS 10/-
- Validity timing is 24 hours
- For unsubscribing send UNSUB to 8804
Ufone Daily Heavy Bundle
- To enjoy this bundle activate it by *8042#
- Ufone will allot you 75 free MBs
- Bundle will expire after 24 hours
- You will pay RS 15 for this bundle
- Dial *4804# to deactivate it
Ufone Special Daily Bundle
- To relish with this bundle dial *810#
- You will be provided 50 MB internet
- Duration will be from 1 am to 9 pm
- RS 5/- will be deducted on activation
- To deactivate send UNSUB to 7810
Ufone Mega Internet Bundle
- Activation of this bundle is via *550#
- 5120 MBs free internet is awarded to users
- It has very low price of RS 6/- only
- Time duration is from 12am to 12 pm
- You can deactivate it by dialing *5501#
Ufone Three Day Bundle
- Three day internet bundle can be activated by *3350#
- After activation you will receive 100 Mb free internet
- Three day bundle price in RS 25/-
- Enjoy this bundle for three whole days.
Ufone Weekly Light Bundle
- Dial *7811# to get this weekly light bundle
- It provides you 250 Mb of free internet
- You will pay RS 50/- for subscription
- It has validity time of 07 days
Ufone Weekly Heavy Bucket
- Weekly heavy bucket subscription code is *7815#
- It offers free internet of 500 MBs
- Charges of this bundle are RS 125/-
- It allows you to enjoy internet for 07 days.
Ufone Monthly 1 GB Bucket
- Activation code of *7807# is used to obtain the offer
- 1024 Mb free data volume will be given.
- Subscriber will pay RS 250 to avail this bundle
- It is a 30 day offer that let you enjoy internet services
Ufone Monthly 3 GB Bucket
- Dial code *803# for subscription of 3 GB monthly bundle
- Free Data limit of 3096 Mb is provided
- Fee for activation is RS 500/-
- Offer remains valid up to 30 days
Ufone Monthly 10 GB Bucket
- Enjoy the offer by simply dialing *5100#
- Data Volume of 10240 MB will be given to the user
- Charges to avail the offer are RS 1000
- 30 day offer to explore internet & enjoy internet services
Ufone Social Data Bundles
Ufone Daily Social Bucket
- Special Social daily bucket allows the subscriber to use Face book, Whats app and Twitter totally free
- Get this Superb offer by dialing USSD string *4242#
- You can enjoy this offer for complete one day
- Charges to subscribe to this offer are RS 5/- only
- To deactivate the bucket you can type UNSUB & send to 5444
Ufone Monthly Social Bucket
- Activating this bucket will allow you to use twitter, face book & Whats app for free
- USSD string to activate the bundle is *5858#
- This offer will remain valid for whole month i-e 30 days
- You can subscribe to this social bucket in RS 50
- All these bundles are offered to prepaid customers
- *3# will also provide you information about all bundles
- To check remaining bundle status dial *706#
Happiness equals countless calls with Ufone 24 Ghantay Offer
Our offers have always been a source of delight for U across the country because Ufone’s unique mix of affordability and quality cannot be found anywhere else. All these offers have been well-received and yet again U are in for a treat of talk-time with Ufone’s newest offering: 24 Ghantay Offer.With the 24 Ghantay Offer, in just Rs. 11.99 + tax, Ufone customers can make as many calls as U want throughout the entire day for non-stop communication.This is an offer the competition can’t possibly match because U will be able to call not only all Ufone numbers, but millions of PTCL and Vfone numbers as well!
All U have to do is dial *2424# to enter a world of happiness where U can actually talk the day away with as many calls as U want!
Terms and Conditions:
Charges of 10 Paisa + Tax per call will applyOffer is valid from time of subscription to 12 AM of the same dayOffer only applies on the UWON Package
In Islamabad, AJK, Gilgit/Baltistan and FATA an additional 0.84% will be charged on all services and packages.Offer is only applicable on calls to Ufone, PTCL and Vfone numbers.Offer will re-subscribe automatically at 12 AM each day.In order for successful re-subscription, balance of Rs. 14.33 must be available. Otherwise, the offer will automatically be un-subscribed.Opting for the UWON Package by dialing *2424# is free of all charges.Charges for subscribing to the UWON Package through an IVR or any other short-code are Rs. 11.95, inclusive of taxes.This offer is not applicable on calls made to IVR’s or short-codes.To block calls and SMS from undesirable numbers on Ufone, send 'Block <space> Number’ as a SMS to 420. Charges of Re. 1 + tax per SMS and Rs. 3.75 + tax per week will apply.Terms and Conditions apply.24 Ghantay Offer can be deactivated by dialing *2457# free of cost. 19.5% FED on usage and other taxes on bill/recharge applyIn Islamabad, AJK, Gilgit/Baltistan and FATA 18.5% FED and other taxes on bill/recharge will applyYour SIM is your identity, only use SIMs issued through Biometric Verification – PTA
I am agreeing with Ufone statement that it’s really “Peace of Mind for the entire month”.
When you reload your card it doesn’t mean you throw away your balance! Exactly you want to save your balance by making collection of calls .So let me share Ufone call packages. One of the Ufone call package.
Also read: Ufone 30 Seconds Package
Super Sasta Package
You With Ufone Super Sasta Package, U can make calls to Ufone and all other networks at the low rate of 85 Paisa + tax per 30 seconds 24 hours a day, without any daily charges.
You U can also enjoy sending SMS to all networks at the most affordable rate of 1.75 inclusive of tax.
You To avail this package U will just have to dial *5678# or get a new Ufone SIM. For all new and MNP customers, the package is pre-activated for their warm welcome to Ufone.
This package I must say is affordable for also the customers have balance Rs 10. Now last but not the least package I am going to share with you is Ufone Pakistan offer
With this exciting offer the entire Pakistan will stay connected through Pakistan’s. Ufone Pakistan offers three types of Pakistan offers one of them is
Monthly Pakistan Offer
Either you want to surfing mobile internet & making calls to all Ufone as well as PTCL & Vfone numbers, anywhere in Pakistan for just Rs. 418 (Included Tax) month.
Weekly Pakistan Offer
You So carry on calling to all Ufone as well as PTCL & Vfone numbers, anywhere in Pakistan for just Rs. 100 (Incl all applicable tax) / week.
You To enjoy Weekly Pakistan offer all U have to do is to dial *8888#.
Daily Pakistan Offer
You surf the internet for free & make all the calls you want 24 hours with Ufone’s massive ‘Daily Pakistan Offer.
You Making calls to all Ufone as well as PTCL & Vfone numbers, anywhere in Pakistan for just Rs. 18 (Incl Tax) daily, and that too for 24 hours.
You enjoy Daily Pakistan Offer all U have to do is to dial *888
Terms and conditions are also applied for all Ufone Pakistan Offers.
1. Ufone Super Card
Purchase Ufone Super Card for Just Rs. 499.
Super Card Benefits
- 1000 mins for Ufone, PTCL and Vfone.
- 150 min to other networks.
- 1000 sms for all networks.
- 1000 MB internet (2G, 3G).
- Validity: 30 Days.
2. Ufone Mini Super Card
Purchase Ufone Mini super card for just Rs. 275.
Mini Super Card Benefits
- 500 mins for Ufone, PTCL and Vfone.
- 75 mins for other networks.
- 500 sms for all networks.
- 500 MB internet (2G, 3G).
- Validity: 15 Days.
3. 24 Ghantay Offer
- Dial *2424# to activate 24 Ghantay offer.
- Offer Charges: Rs. 11.99 + tax.
- Unlimited Ufone calls for 24 hours.
- Unlimited PTCL and Vfone calls.
4. 3 Pe 3 Offer
- Dial *343# to activate 3 pe 3 offer.
- Offer Charges: Rs. 3.43 + tax.
- Unlimited Ufone, PTCL and Vfone calls for next three hours.
5. Super 5 Offer
- Dial *5252# to activate super 5 offer.
- Offer Charges: Rs. 5 + tax.
- Unlimited Ufone, Ptcl and Vfone calls.
- Validity: 5am to 5 pm.
6. Super Call Offer
- Dial *45# to activate super call offer.
- Offer activation charges: Free.
- Validity: 24 hour.
- Call to any Ufone, Ptcl and Vfone number at Rs. 3.89 per hour.
7. Super Sasta Offer
- Dial *5678# to activate super sasta offer.
- Offer activation charges: Free.
- Validity: 24 hours.
- Call to ufone and any other network for 85 paisa per 30 seconds.
8. Uwon Offer
- Dial *444*1# to activate uwon offer.
- Offer Activation charges: Free.
- Validity: 24 hours.
- Call to Ufone and any other network for Rs. 2 + tax per mins.
9. Asli Chappar Phaar Offer
- Dial *5050# to activate Asli chappar phaar offer.
- Charges: Rs. 50 + tax.
- Validity: 5 Days.
- 3000 Ufone mins.
- 3000 sms to all networks.
- 3000 MB internet (2G, 3G).
10. Din Bhar Offer
- Dial *445# to activate din bhar offer.
- Charges: Rs. 7 only.
- Validity: 9am to 5pm.
- Unlimited Ufone calls.
- Unlimited Ptcl and Vfone calls.
11. Monthly Din Bhar Offer
- Dial *4455# to activate monthly din bhar offer.
- Charges: 150 + tax.
- Validity: 30 days ( 9am to 5pm).
- Unlimited Ufone calls.
- Unlimited Ptcl and Vfone calls.
12. Daily Pakistan Offer
- Dial *888# to activate daily Pakistan offer.
- Charges: Rs. 18 only.
- Validity: 24 hours.
- 100 Ufone, Ptcl and Vfone mins.
- 10 MB internet (2G, 3G).
- Check remaining mins dial *707# (Rs. .20 + tax).
13. Weekly Pakistan Offer
- Dial *8888# to activate weekly Pakistan offer.
- Charges: Rs. 100 only.
- Validity: 7 Days.
- 700 Ufone, Ptcl and Vfone mins.
- 100 MB internet (2G + 3G).
- Check remaining mins dial *707# (Rs. .20 + tax).
14. Monthly Pakistan Offer
- Dial *8888# to activate monthly Pakistan offer.
- Charges: Rs. 418 incl tax.
- Validity: 30 days.
- 4000 Ufone, Ptcl and Vfone mins.
- 400 MB internet (2G + 3G).
- Dial *707# to check remaining mins in Rs. .20